KKP’s new website

Welcome to KKP’s new website designed to make it straightforward for current and potential clients to find what they need, to see the breadth, depth and variety of work we do and who we work for.

As David McHendry, managing director of Knight, Kavanagh & Page Ltd confirms ‘the new website has been simplified and de-cluttered and is easy to access from your PC, tablet or phone…we hope all our clients past and future will enjoy visiting it’

KKP is going LTD

As of 1 December 2015 KKP will transition from being a sole trader body to become Knight, Kavanagh & Page Ltd.  This move reflects the increased size of the Company and the broad range of domestic and international clients for which we work. The new board of directors will be looking to expand the Company’s remit, further embed its standing in current markets and maintain the success of its entry into new business areas.


2 December 2015

KKP Newsletters

After a slight hiatus, the first new format KKP News will be issued in January 2016 – containing the popular blend of comment, opinion and company updates. If you were not in receipt of KKP News before or would like to make sure that you continue to have it sent to you please sign up in the box opposite.


2 December 2015

BBC’s Sports Personality of the year

If anyone is an acid test of the use of the term personality in the BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year 2015 it is Tyson Fury;  it will be of interest to see which side of the ‘marmite line’ the public lands.